Inside Information Notice. On business and financial situation. CEMONASA payment

October 20, 2021

OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN, S.A. (“OHLA” or the “Company”), pursuant to article 226 of the consolidated text of the Securities Market Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October, hereby notifies the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) (“CNMV”) the following


The Company informs that today, the Community of Madrid has paid 162,495,773.41 euros to its 100% subsidiary CERCANÍAS MÓSTOLES NAVALCARNERO, S.A (CEMONASA) as payment of the settlement of the contract for the PROJECT DRAFTING, CONSTRUCTION AND EXPLOITATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS OF THE NEW RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION LINE BETWEEN MÓSTOLES CENTRAL AND NAVALCARNERO, of which 123,389,692.28 euros correspond to the settlement of investments made in the execution of the works and the remaining 39,106,081.13 euros are related to the accrued interests from the date that the previous amount should have been paid. Both amounts have been increased in the legally applicable VAT in an additional amount of 25,911,835.38 euros.

Madrid, 28 December 2021.