Juan-Miguel Villar Mir Presents Miguel Angel Revilla to the XXI Century Club

January 26, 2011

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir presented the Cantabrian president, Miguel Angel Revilla, to the XXI Century Club for his participation in the conference The Present Climate: alternatives and solutions. Miguel Angel Revilla gave a talk entitled Crisis Oportunities: a new production system.

The president of the Villar Mir Group gave a short speech on the personal and professional history of a person he defined as “the prototype of an upright and capable man […], the prototype of a true political leader of pedigree”. He also pointed out that the Cantabrian president is “a great Spaniard who doesn’t miss the chance to display from his profound feeling as a Cantabrian, his best love for Spain”.

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir took advantage of his speech to highlight Miguel Angel Revilla’s important achievements leading the Cantabrian government. He mentioned, among others, “the great renovation of the road network throughout the region, the creation of the centre for excellence in Spanish language and culture in Comillas, and the exhibition to the world of the El Soplao cave”.

In terms of his upcoming challenges, the president of the OHL Group pointed out the important work done by Revilla to ensure the High Speed train reaches Cantabria in 2015.