Fundación Integra hold their Annual Meeting at Espacio Tower

November 5, 2010

Fundacion Integra is a non-profit organisation whose objective is to find jobs for people belonging to social minorities. They have held their annual meeting at Torre Espacio, head office of the OHL Group. Attending were over one hundred people in charge of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility from various national companies.

The General Manager of OHL Luis Garcia-Linares was in charge of opening the breakfast. Discussed subjects included, among others, the challenge of finding work for those at risk of social exclusion and recent tendencies in Corporate Social Responsibility.

Also present were Fundacion Integra’s founding president, Ana Botella; the current president, Daniel Sada; and the institution’s General Manager, Ana Munoz de Dios.

Statistics were presented at the meeting showing Fundacion Integra’s growth since its founding in 2001, in terms of the number of companies and NGOs as well as entities that want to form part of the project. At present over 60 companies and 100 NGOs are working with them and since their beginnings they have found contracts for around 1,900 people.

Regarding OHL Luis Garcia-Linares pointed out during his speech that “we have been working to achieve access to work for people with special difficulties in all of the Group’s companies, at the same time as we have bee training and sensitising the various people in charge of Human Resources”.

The General Manager of OHL took advantage of the meeting to get across the importance of support and access to work for people at risk of social exclusion, adding that the Group have been part of the Board of Fundacion Integra since 2002.

Awarding the Plaques

During the celebration the work of all those companies who cooperate with Fundacion Integra was acknowledged. Ana Botella awarded six plaques which publicly credit those in charge of Human Resources in six companies supporting the project.

Among those who received acknowledgement was Cristina Encinas who is in charge Human Resources for Ingesan, a subsidiary of OHL. She stated during her speech that on finding out the goals of Fundacion Integra “we realised that they fit in perfectly with values that the OHL Group upholds through our commitment to society”.