Making our mark

At OHLA we are builders, contractors, engineers, workers and, above all, Progress Enablers, because we believe in the transformative power of what we do.
We dream of leaving a positive mark on the planet and on people.
“We are not what we think or do, but merely the footprint of what we leave behind”, Anonymous

We know that infrastructure plays a key role in the development of society, which is why we are firm believers in the transformative power of our activity, connecting services, conserving natural resources and facilitating economic progress, social cohesion and more.

In our everyday business, we strive to listen, understand and act, with the maxim of leaving a positive mark, which allows the company to grow in a fair, reasonable and sustainable way for all.

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Our pillars

Track Record

More than 110 years of experience


Team with advanced expertise, experience and technical skills.


We develop infrastructures for every challenge that arises.


Steadfast presence in Europe, the US and Latin America.


More than 300 R&D+i projects.


Commitment to economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Our ambitions, where we want to go

In order to set our roadmap, we have listened to people, to society, to our stakeholders and to experts, and have considered the global effort demanded of the 2030 agenda. To make sure we focus on what is important, we analyze what is most concerning and urgent, but also where our action can have the greatest impact.

Contributing to the 2030 Agenda

The UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. It is a plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity. The Agenda sets 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with 169 integrated and indivisible targets that span the economic, social and environmental spheres, and entail a common, universal commitment.

At OHLA, we believe in the power of transforming our sector and are active contributors to meeting SDGs 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13. We also believe that it is essential that we work with other entities and companies, aligning efforts towards SDG 17 (Partnerships to meet the goals).

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

We promote local employment and encourage new ways of working to create a motivating working environment that attracts and retains talent and nurtures professional and personal development.

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

We encourage sustainable construction practices and techniques, and include environmental indicators in the digitization process of 100% of our projects.

SDG 12: Sustainable production and consumption

We promote the use of environmentally-friendly materials and improve the circular nature of work by reusing or repurposing at least 80% of non-hazardous waste generated.

SDG 13: Climate action

We contribute to the ambitious targets on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (down 40% by 2024) and the progressive decarbonization of our business, with the aim of being net zero for 2030-2050.

These are the SDGs that we directly and primarily contribute to, but we are also involved in the other SDGs and actively participate in creating public and private partnerships to meet the targets set in the 2030 Agenda (SDG 17). We are firm believers in joint responsibility and in cooperating to achieve the progress needed to transform society. Our Sustainability Plan 2022-2024 details the action and targets we have defined to align us with the global strategy.

Projects to contribute to the 2030 Agenda

We are agents of change and we materialize it in our works and projects.

Get to know our new publication Building a sustainable future.

Health and Women

The “Health and Women” campaign is carried out annually to promote gynecological health of OHL women employees. This is an uncommon practice among companies, which adds value to women’s health management. In 2019, OHL offered to all women employees who


Awareness in Equality matters

OHLA is actively committed to diversity and equal opportunities. This is why one of the objectives of the Equality Plan in Spain is training and information in the matter for employees. In order to achieve its objective, over 2018 and


Protection of springs in Peru ByPass

2323In the projects we carry out in Peru, the planning of activities is a primary tool to establish controls in each of the project stages. Specifically, this has allowed us to ensure the minimum impact on water resources in the


Perote photovoltaic solar plant

23The Perote II photovoltaic solar plant has an occupation area of 300 ha. The nominal power of the installation is 100 MWn with an installed generation power of 118,902 MWp. It has a solar field of 312,939 photovoltaic panels of


Cuídate OHLA

In 2019, the healthy program TAKE CARE (CUÍDATE OHL) was launched in collaboration with Quirón Prevención, is develop in Spain and it´s complemented with OHL Health Channel, a community for the dissemination of health initiatives and programs in the corporative


Reasons to believe

OHLA ha puesto en marcha Reasons to Believe, un ciclo de charlas inspiracionales dirigidas a los empleados/as de OHLA. El objetivo que se persigue es crear un entorno laboral motivador y comprometido, a través de vivencias y experiencias humanas que


Integrated Annual Reports

Find out more about our sustainability management and performance.

Integrated Annual Report 2023