Privacy policy

OBRASCON HUARTE LAIN S.A. (hereinafter, OHLA) informs users of its web pages of this Privacy Policy that regulates the processing of personal data voluntarily provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, April 27, 2016, relative to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation thereof, and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, 2018, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights.

1.- Basic Information

Purpose of the treatment Management of user access to the website Register of blog users and sending of a newsletter User registration in the social networks of the company Management of candidates in personnel selection processes
Legitimation of treatment Consent of the data subject
Recipients of the data OHLA Group Companies Service providers needed for the above purposes
Rights of the Data Subject Access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition to the treatment in the manner detailed in the additional information
Data Protection Delegate

2.- Additional information

2.1.- Data controller

Name: OBRASCON HUARTE LAIN S.A. Corporate Tax ID: A48010573

Contact address: Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 (Madrid)


Data Protection Delegate:

2.2.- Purposes of the treatment

OHLA keeps browsing data of the users supplied in the access and use of its websites, applications and any other digital platform or electronic medium in order to properly manage their access to the company’s communications networks.

For the registration in the blog of the company and to be able to receive the newsletter submissions, the email address of the users is requested. If this information is not provided, access to these services and communication with users through the usual electronic means used by the company will not be possible.

Similarly, the electronic mail and identifying data provided voluntarily are collected in their participation in communications, events or other activities carried out through the company’s profiles on social networks.

Candidates who submit their request to participate in personnel selection processes must provide their contact information and professional and education history by registering on the website and communicating by email.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as no request for suppression is received by the data subject and, in any case, within the period during which legal liabilities associated with the services offered may be derived.

2.3.- Legitimation of treatment

The legal basis of legitimacy used by OHLA in the treatment of personal data of users for the purposes detailed above is based on the user’s consent.

The data subject guarantees the accuracy and veracity of the personal data provided, committing to communicate to the company any change that occurs in order to keep it properly updated.

In the event that the data provided by the interested party could identify a third party, the data subject expressly guarantees that said third party has been informed about the purposes for which the data has been communicated to OHLA and that the
consent of the data subject has been obtained.

2.4.- Recipients of the data

The company may communicate your data, exclusively for the purposes indicated above, to other companies belonging to the OHLA Group, subsidiaries and affiliates, when there is a need to achieve the purpose pursued.

The data may be transferred and treated, in whole or in part, by the suppliers contracted by OHLA for the provision of the services used for the purposes stated.

OHLA shall not make international transfers of personal data to third countries or international organizations, with the exception of communication services through email that may be contracted through companies that do not belong to the European Union. In any case, OHLA guarantees the confidentiality of the data and the application of the appropriate measures to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

2.5.- Rights of the Data Subjects

Data Subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition to the processing or any other that is recognized under applicable legislation, proving their identity by request indicating the reference “Protection of personal data” and directed to:

Postal address:

Communication Department


Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 (Madrid)


If you consider that the company has not treated your personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation or that you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (