OHL Mexico issues new equity for Mex$ 6,943 million
July 6, 2013
The subsidiary OHL Mexico, listed on the Mexican Stock Market since 11 November 2010, has issued new equity this past month of June worth Mex$ 6,942.5 million.
The operation was effected through an initial public offering of 239,397,167 new shares of common stock in OHL Mexico, including those corresponding to the over-allotment option or greenshoe.
Stock held in the share capital of its Mexican subsidiary by OHL Concessions, and thus the OHL Group, has now dropped to 63.64 % from 73.85% prior to the operation.
This new equity issuance affords OHL Mexico the capital to pursue new projects for the short and medium term in Mexico, whose Government has made investment in infrastructures a top priority, while enabling the management of current cash flow needs arising from company investments assumed to develop its current concessions.
The financial entities involved in this operation were BBVA Bancomer, UBS and Santander, the two former entities in the role of global coordinators.