Information about the alleged legal actions initiated by third parties in México regarding the sale of OHL Concesiones S.A.U

May 7, 2018

OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN, S.A. (“OHL” o la “Sociedad”), in compliance with the requirements set out in the Regulation (UE) n. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse and the Securities Market Law (Ley de Mercado de Valores), notifies the Spanish Stock Markets Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) of the following 


In relation to the news published last Friday in digital media relative to the alleged legal actions initiated by third parties in México regarding the sale of 100% of the share capital of OHL Concesiones S.A.U., the Company informs the market of the following events:

1. OHL, S.A. has not received any notification or communication referred to such alleged lawsuit initiated in México. All the information the Company has available is coming from what is published by the press, and has currently no access to any lawsuit to analyze.

2. A legal proceeding related to the sale of the Spanish company OHL Concesiones, S.A.U., closed and consummated last month of April in Spain between OHL, S.A. and a Spanish subsidiary of the Australian investment fund IFM would be, in this case, responsibility of the Spanish courts, therefore, a lawsuit in México with this objective would suffer from a serious defect of lack of jurisdiction.

3. The sale of 100% of the share capital of OHL Concesiones S.A.U. is legal and is already concluded and consummated, so that the shares were already delivered to the acquirer and the corresponding price collected. (Significant Event number 264005)

4. According to the information communicated by OHL México in the relevant event published last May 4th, this would not be the first time that Infraiber and/or Mr.Paulo J.Diez Gargari, directly or indirectly, have tried legal actions against IFM, OHL México and /or their subsidiaries, none of which have prospered.
This would be one further action within the defamatory campaign against OHL started and orchestrated more than two years ago by the above-mentioned lawyer.

5. In addition, and according to the information provided by OHL México through its relevant event, the Federal Office of the Attorney in México, dependent of the Ministry of Finance, filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Diez (and others) for disclosing false information to the market regarding OHL México. As a consequence, there is an ongoing criminal federal prosecution.

Madrid, 7th May 2018