Ingesan, committed to a Society Free of Domestic Violence

June 10, 2015

Since 2013 Ingesan, an OHL Group subsidiary specializing in facilities management, belongs to the Company Network for a Domestic Violence-Free Society, an initiative launched by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain in 2012. Its actions include the “There’s a way out of domestic violence” campaign, which intends to promote social awareness about this type of violence and help its victims join the job market.

At present, the Network has 62 member companies and is articulated around a series of principles that encourage respect for fundamental rights and equality, progress in building a violence-free society and generating awareness amongst employees, suppliers and clients of member companies.

By supporting the Company Network for a Domestic Violence-Free Society, the OHL Group, through its OHL Servicios division and its subsidiary, Ingesan, is confirming its commitment to society, articulated through its Social Action Plan for Spain, promoted by the Group’s General Corporate Management, which includes a plan to help disabled persons and those at a risk of social exclusion join the job market.

In order to achieve its objectives, OHL is working with specialized entities, such as the Integra and Adecco Foundations, the Spanish Red Cross and Public Employment Service, amongst others. Over 2014, of interest are the 162 recruitments of persons belonging to these groups, of whom approximately 16.5% have suffered domestic violence.

15.06.10.Ingesan Contra La Violencia De Genero

Female employees at Ingesan supporting the “There’s a way out of domestic violence” campaign.