This is a pilot social innovation initiative. It will serve 225 people in the region.

Ingesan launches CAMINN, a comprehensive social care project in the Community of Madrid

September 26, 2023

Ingesan, the leading subsidiary of OHLA’s Services business, has launched CAMINN, a pilot project for comprehensive social care for dependent or vulnerable people in the region, in collaboration with the Community of Madrid. In this way, the company, which is strongly committed to digital transformation, reinforces its commitment to inclusion, equality and sustainability.

CAMINN will provide follow-up care to 225 people in the Community of Madrid, both users of care services (nursing homes, day centers and home care services) and those who voluntarily participate in the pilot project from their homes. The project is funded by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan).

A new model for caring for people

CAMINN responds to the challenge of an increasingly aging and dependent population or a population in a situation of loneliness and vulnerability. The project proposes the development of a new model of care for people. To this end, it enables a new way of providing people-centered services through a digital platform that allows users, social-health professionals, and public administrations to access individualized and personalized assistance services of the highest quality through a collaborative environment.

The CAMINN team is made up of psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, and socio-cultural animators, among others, who draw up care plans according to each person’s specific needs. Users participate in individual and group sessions through a videoconferencing channel on their TV, offering them a service that improves their quality of life and helps eliminate feelings of loneliness.

More information

“CAMINN: Cuidados, Autonomía e Inclusión Social. Innovación Sociosanitaria en Madrid” is a pilot project of social innovation, under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, and with the collaboration of the Consejería de Familia, Juventud y Asuntos Sociales de la Comunidad de Madrid (Regional Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of OHL Servicios Ingesan S.A., and the Administration assumes no responsibility for its contents.