Inside information

August 5, 2024

In connection with the information provided to the market by the inside information communication dated June 26, 2024 (with registration number 2294) regarding a forthcoming capital increase transaction for an effective amount (nominal plus issue premium) of ONE HUNDRED MILLION EUROS (100,000,000 €) through cash contributions with recognition of pre-emptive subscription rights (the “Capital Increase”), the Company informs that it has continued working on the search for investors interested in investing in OHLA’s capital.

In this regard, the Company informs that it has reached a statement of intent, subject to conditions, with the company Excelsior Times, S.L.U. (“Excelsior”) of the businessman Mr. José Elías, member of a consortium of underwriters, for such group of underwriters to participate in the Capital Increase with an investment of up to FIFTY MILLION EUROS (50,000,000 €) (the “Agreement of Intentions”).

In addition to the statement of intent described above, the Company has the commitment of support for a Capital Increase of up to TWENTY-FIVE MILLION EUROS (25,000,000 €) from Inmobiliaria Coapa Larca of the Mexican businessman Mr. Andrés Holzer and the commitment of the Company’s reference shareholders, Forjar Capital, S.L.U. and Solid Rock Capital, S.L.U. (collectively the “Amodio Shareholders”), for up to TWENTY-SIX MILLION EUROS (€26,000,000).

As part of this process, the Board of Directors has agreed to redefine the transaction and propose to increase the amount of the Capital Increase to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION EUROS (150,000,000 €) in effective amount, through two capital increases, one of up to SEVENTY MILLION EUROS (70,000,000 €), excluding pre-emptive subscription rights, and another of up to EIGHTY MILLION EUROS (80,000,000 €), with pre-emptive subscription rights. The definitive price conditions of these capital increases are still to be defined.

In all cases, the financial support of the investors described above is conditioned upon OHLA reaches a satisfactory agreement with the Company’s reference banks and with the holders of the Notes issued by OHL Operaciones.

Madrid, 5 August 2024.

Obrascón Huarte Laín, S.A.
José María del Cuvillo Pemán
Non-Director Secretary to the Board of Directors