Inside information notice. On initial public offerings and public offerings for financial instruments

June 26, 2024

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 226 of the Securities Markets and Investment Services Act and other implementing regulations, approved by Law 6/2023, of 17 March, Obrascón Huarte Laín, S.A. (“OHLA” or the “Company”) hereby announces and makes public the following:


OHLA hereby informs the market that the Board of Directors of the Company met on June 25, 2024 to approve a share capital increase for an effective amount (nominal amount plus share premium) of ONE HUNDRED MILLION EUROS (100,000,000€) by means of cash contributions with recognition of preferential subscription rights, addressed to all the shareholders in the Company (the “Capital Increase”).

The majority shareholders in the Company, Forjar Capital, S.L.U. and Solid Rock Capital, S.L.U. (collectively the “Amodio Shareholders”), by means of a letter addressed to the Board of Directors of the Company dated June 25, 2024, have expressly undertaken to subscribe those preferential subscription rights in the Capital Increase which are necessary maintain their current stake in the share capital of the Company after the implementation of the Capital Increase (the “Amodio Investment Commitment”).

The Board of Directors of the Company will convene an Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting after the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting has been held. The Board of Directors shall agree at that time on the manner in which the following will be determined: (i) the date on which the Capital Increase is to be executed; (ii) the issue price for the new shares to be issued and admitted to trading as a result of the Capital Increase; (iii) the terms and conditions of the disbursement; (iv) the exchange ratio for exercising the preferential subscription rights; and (v) the specific terms and conditions of the preferential subscription period, as well as, if applicable, the additional subscription period and the discretionary subscription period.

The implementation of the Capital Increase has the aim of guaranteeing the financial stability of the Company, as well as ensuring the continuity of the business and long-term sustainability. The Capital Increase will allow the implementation of a stable capital and financial structure for the OHLA group, as well as the creation of value for shareholders. In this way, the Company will have completed the financial rebalancing of the OHLA group that it has been working on in recent years and the management team will be able to fully focus on the execution of the group’s business plan.

Madrid, 26 June 2024.

Obrascón Huarte Laín, S.A.

José María del Cuvillo Pemán

Secretary to the Board of Directors