Inside information notice. On initial public offerings and public offerings for financial instruments

June 28, 2024

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 226 of the Securities Markets and Investment Services Act and other implementing regulations, approved by Law 6/2023, of 17 March, Obrascón Huarte Laín, S.A. (“OHLA” or the “Company”) hereby announces and makes public the following:


OHLA hereby informs the market that, following the publication of the inside information notice on June 26, 2024, in which it disclosed that the Board of Directors of the Company had approved a capital increase for an effective amount (i.e. nominal amount plus share premium) of ONE HUNDRED MILLION EUROS (€100,000,000) through cash contributions, with recognition of preferential subscription rights, addressed to all shareholders (the “Capital Increase”), it has received the two non-binding offers described below:

  1. Inmobiliaria Coapa Larca S.A. de C.V. (“INV”), who undertakes to underwrite €25 million in the Capital Increase. In the event that INV was unable to subscribe the underwritten amount because the Capital Increase was subscribed by the current shareholders, INV proposes to launch another capital increase without preferential subscription rights, at the same issue price as the Capital Increase, for an effective amount (i.e. nominal value plus share premium) equal to the amount underwritten and not subscribed in the Capital Increase, until the €25 million commitment is reached.
  2. (ii) Atitlan Grupo Empresarial, S.L. (“AT”), who proposes to enter into the Company’s share capital through the subscription of (a) a capital increase by AT without preferential subscription rights for an effective value (i.e. nominal value plus share premium) of €75 million; and (b) a capital increase with preferential subscription rights for an effective amount (i.e. nominal value plus share premium) of €75 million, where AT would subscribe its pro-rata stake. The validity of this non-binding offer expires on July 5, 2024.

Neither of the two offers which have been received would individually exceed the threshold for a takeover bid (oferta pública de adquisición). The Company is currently analysing and evaluating both offers but, to date, has not accepted either of them.

En Madrid, a 28 de junio de 2024

Obrascón Huarte Laín, S.A.

José María del Cuvillo Pemán

Secretario del Consejo de Administración