Inside information. On financial instruments

October 15, 2024

OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN, S.A. (the “OHLA” or the “Company“), in compliance with the provisions of Article 226 of the Consolidated Text of the Securities Market Law approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October, hereby informs the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (“CNMV“) of the following


Further to the announcements of inside information published by the Company on 5 August 2024 and 17 September 2024 (with official register numbers 2,380, 2,367 and 2,381, respectively) and the announcement disclosing other relevant information published by the Company on 19 September 2024 (with official register number 30,568), the Company announces that:

  • it has reached a preliminary agreement with the financial entities party to the syndicated and bilateral letters of credit entered into by OHLA and certain of its group companies for the development of its business (the “Financial Institutions“), subject to approval by their respective committees during the course of this week; and
  • it has reached a preliminary agreement with certain holders of the senior secured notes issued by OHL Operaciones, S.A.U. (Split Coupon Senior Secured Notes due 2026 (ISIN: XS2356570239)/ (ISIN: XS2356571120)) (the “Notes“) representing 33% of the outstanding Notes (the “AHG Noteholders“). This preliminary agreement is subject to the execution of a lock-up agreement (the “Lock-Up Agreement“) by, amongst others, the AHG Noteholders and the Company, reflecting the terms agreed and currently being negotiated by the parties. Once the Lock-Up Agreement has been signed by the AHG Noteholders and the Company, the Company will initiate the process to seek the accession of the remaining Noteholders to the Lock-Up Agreement.

The preliminary agreement reached with the Financial Institutions and the AHG Noteholders assumes that a proposal to implement Capital Increases will be submitted for approval by the Company’s shareholders at the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 21 and 22 October 2024, on first and second call.

The Company will keep the market informed of further developments regarding the recapitalisation process.

In Madrid, this 15 day of October 2024