Juan-Miguel Villar Mir receives the National Innovation Award

July 2, 2014

140702 Premio Nacional de Innovación

Juan – Miguel Villar Mir, president of the Villar Mir Group and of the OHL Group, has received today, from the hands of H. M. the King Don Felipe, the National Award of Innovation, Innovative Trajectory mode, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Secretariat of State of Innovation.

In awarding the prize to Juan-Miguel Villar Mir, the jury has considered “his innovative effort, his relevant role in the projection of the image of Spain as a modern and technologically savvy country, as well as his activity for the dissemination and development of business innovation.”

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir has received the award at the ceremony, in Valladolid, for the National Awards of Innovation and Design, presided by the Kings of Spain, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia.

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir said in his words that “innovation is the essential factor in increasing productivity and competitiveness. In a globalized world marked for technological advances, science and technology should be at the service of man with the purpose of being able to reach higher quotas of development and wellbeing.”

He thanked Don Felipe’s support for innovation, stated in his Proclamation speech, in which he asserted: “Before us lies a great challenge of boosting new technologies, science and research, which nowadays are the true wealth creating energies. The challenge of promoting and encouraging innovation, creative capacity and entrepreneurial initiative as necessary attitudes for growth and development.”

Further, he reminded of the permanent boost from H.M. King Don Juan Carlos for innovation through the Cotec Foundation, “whose creation he prompted more than 20 years ago and whose presidency of Honor has always been exercised with a maximum dedication and efficiency, which I can attest as Executive President for Cotec during the last couple of years, under the charge of Your Noble Father.”

Juan-Miguel Villar Mir, concluded by stating that: “For those of us who are aware that innovation is great leverage for the advancement of productivity and welfare, this celebration in which we are awarded will forever be an indelible memory. And also an important commitment for the rest of our lives.”