OHL commissions the preparation of a report on the performance of OHL México

May 8, 2015

OHL has decided to entrust one of the major international audit firms with the preparation of a report on the actions of OHL México in the performance of the Bicentennial Viaduct concession contract, as well as to contribute knowledge and certainty to all of the institutions that maintain relations with its Mexican subsidiary.

The decision to entrust this report to an external auditor, whose conclusions will be made public in the next few days -immediately upon completion of the report-, has been made in the framework of an internal investigation initiated no sooner had the events leading to the temporary suspension of the trading of OHL México’s shares become known.

OHL has reached this decision in the absolute certainty that both OHL México as well as its subsidiaries have adhered to the strictest legal requirements at all times, scrupulously complying with their contract terms and conditions, with the absence of bad practices in their management or irregularities in their relations with the Mexican government authorities, both State as well as Federal.

OHL México is a company committed to the value of transparency in light of its listing on the Mexican Stock Exchange, which imposes upon it strict standards and review processes by public and private bodies.

Likewise, as it was explained in a lengthy informative meeting between OHL México’s senior management and financial analysts, the claims of irregularities in OHL México’s management are radically false, and the figures handled are a product of an invention that in no way reflects the reality of the cases referred to in the telephone espionage to which the company has been subjected and which will be dealt with through appropriate legal action.