OHL Medio Ambiente Inima has been awarded with a second desalination plant in Mexico

September 7, 2011

Madrid, September 6, 2011 .- OHL Medio Ambiente Inima has been awarded a contract to design, build, operate and maintain a desalination plant to supply drinking water to the Municipality of Ensenada in Baja California, Mexico.

The project, under a concession agreement, has been awarded by the Comision Estatal del Agua (State Water Commission) of Baja California to OHL Medio Ambiente Inima, with a 100% share in the project, will execute the financing, design and construction of the plant, as well as the operation and maintenance for 20 years.

OHL Medio Ambiente Inima will earn revenues during the operation and maintenance of the plant of 2.652 billion Mexican Pesos (150.8 million euros at current exchange rates). Meanwhile, the total investment in the construction of the plant will be 516.8 million Mexican Pesos (€29.4 million).

The desalination plant will have the capacity to produce 7,884,000 m3 of drinking water per year. The plant will feature a seawater intake and outlet, pretreatment, reverse osmosis, post-treatment and drinking water pumping station and pipelines.

Mexico is one of the countries of interest in the international expansion of OHL Medio Ambiente Inima, which already operates another desalination plant, under a concession agreement, in Los Cabos.