OHL Servicios-Ingesan, recognized by AENOR for its prevention work against Covid-19

December 14, 2020

OHL Servicios-Ingesan has received from AENOR, the Certificate of Prevention Protocols against Covid-19 in recognition of the actions that it has carried out in the fight against the pandemic, in its offices in Spain. This certificate values the company’s efforts in providing its work spaces with the necessary measures to guarantee the health and safety of its employees, in accordance with the particular regulations established by the certifying organization and which are aligned with the measures included in the Plan for Returning to the Office, initiated by OHL, and the recommendations given by the health authorities.

Risk management in the workplace; developed training, information and communication; proper waste management; constantly implemented organizational measures and self-monitoring – distance between people, the use of masks and hand sanitizers and limited room capacity – and good practices in the cleaning and maintenance of spaces, are some of the actions that have been evaluated. In addition to this, screens have been installed to separate workstations, exhaustive controls have been established for visits and tests have been carried out for the rapid and early diagnosis of people at risk of infection.

The commitment of OHL Servicios-Ingesan in the fight against the pandemic has been demonstrated since the beginning of the health crisis. Nearly 10,000 company employees provided services during the state of alarm in the areas of cleaning, maintenance, urban and home care services, for different contracts that the company is executing throughout the Spanish territory. Additionally, it has incorporated innovative disinfection methods into its cleaning services, such as the ZenZoe robot, developed with the Spanish technologies ASTI and BOOS Lighting, which eliminates pathogens and viruses, including Covid-19, with an efficiency rate of 99.9%.