The company is promoting a new product for fire protection under the high standards required by nuclear power plants

OHLA announces the 2023 Technological Innovation Awards

January 23, 2024

OHLA celebrates a new edition of the Technological Innovation Awards which, as in previous editions, highlight the innovative capacity of the teams in their different business lines and corporate. This time, the prizes went to teams from Chepro, a subsidiary of the company specialising in fire-fighting systems, and Construction in the United States, Latin America and Spain.

The prize for the best technological innovation in a project has been awarded to the Chepro “THL Nuclear System GLS1 (1 hour)” candidacy, submitted by Paulino Muñoz Ocaña, Pablo Arenas Muñoz and Carlos García Arráez, from the Castellón Delegation of Chepro (Spain). This initiative consists of the development, certification, and homologation of a new product, owned by OHLA, for fire protection under the high standards required in nuclear power plants.

The jury of this first category has also recognized with a second prize the candidacy “Innovations in the Purple Line project for the minimization of affects”, submitted by Rafael Benítez Zambrano and Alberto Pinacho del Moral on behalf of the Purple Line Light Rail project team, in Maryland (USA).

The first prize in the second category, best digital innovation in internal process, went to the “Project control and management of subcontracts in Latam North” candidacy, submitted by Jonathan Rafael Miranda Primera, José Alberto Rojas Díaz, and Jorge Tomás Agulló Ortiz. This innovation consists of a unified system, developed in-house with “low-code” computer tools, for an efficient subcontract management in the area.

In the third category, best innovation for the reduction of carbon footprint, the candidacy “3D printing in the bicycle loan service”, submitted by Gonzalo Pérez Til and José Antonio González García, on behalf of the JV Bicicletas Albacete (JV integrated by Ingesan and La Bici), has been awarded. The initiative has involved an innovative systematization of the use of 3D printing in combination with sustainable materials such as PLA and PETG for the management of spare parts and service improvements. Up to 80 percent savings in spare parts procurement costs have been achieved, high-quality parts with increased durability have been created, recyclable materials have been used, and the carbon footprint has been reduced by eliminating associated activities such as long-distance transportation.