OHLA Joins a European Alliance to Promote Circularity in the Construction Sector

June 21, 2024

OHLA has joined an alliance of 12 European companies, which also includes Envalora, Neinor Homes, Grupo Arpada, Macotran, RCD Asociación, S. SOLIS, Uder, Alier, Mondi Group, Saint-Gobain Spain, and CoCircular, to promote circularity in the construction sector.

This is a pioneering initiative aimed at addressing the need to reduce the use of raw materials, reuse materials, optimize recycling, and adopt good practices in selective collection and responsible management within the construction sector. This alliance, which also includes two associations from the kraft paper sack industry: Eurosac and CEPI Eurokraft, emerged from a shared interest in achieving total circularity in the recycling of paper sacks and other materials used in construction, promoting efficient industrial waste management.

The alliance aims to achieve the circularity of paper sacks initially through the construction industry, with plans to extend this practice to other sectors such as food. Among its goals are the implementation of a traceability system to ensure transparency at every stage of the process and the pursuit of cost management efficiency, aiming for a sustainable balance between environmental and economic aspects while seeking the highest level of engagement among the different members of the value chain.

Circular Economy

OHLA views the circular economy as a key aspect of waste management to advance towards a more sustainable business model. Under this premise, the company works on all its projects to circulate the resources it uses for as long as possible within the economic and productive system by promoting the reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste and the implementation of innovative processes and new technologies.

In this regard, and within the framework of the objectives set in the company’s Sustainability Plan, it is noteworthy that in 2023, 83.5% of Non-Hazardous Waste (NHW) had destinations other than landfills, with 100% being reused or recycled.