OHLA participates in the 25.4-million-euro pedestrian and bicycle bridge works between Barakaldo and Erandio

August 16, 2023

OHLA is participating in a new contract in the Basque Country at the request of INTERBIAK (an entity attached to the Department of Infrastructure and Territorial Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia), focused on the construction of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge between Barakaldo and Erandio. The infrastructure, with a contract value of 25.4 million euros, has been awarded to a joint venture in which the company, through its subsidiary Construcciones Adolfo Sobrino, holds a leading position.

The works include the construction of a 460 m long, curved and sloping footbridge, which integrates all the landings of the bridge on both banks while facilitating its use by pedestrians and cyclists. The useful width of the footbridge will be six meters, of which three will be for pedestrians and three for cyclists, with both strips segregated from each other. In addition, the bridge will have street furniture and lighting.

The initiative is completed with the expansion of the Altzaga park in Erandio, and includes the construction and urbanization of a structure that will fly over the water surface of the estuary and contribute to the regeneration of a new 1,970 square meter space next to the footbridge. This means that the construction project will be adapted to the landing of the bridge on the shore of Barakaldo, and will be adapted to the future urban development in the area.

Likewise, this new footbridge will link the cycling networks of Barakaldo and Ezkerraldea with the estuary boulevard, favoring sustainable mobility by bicycle or on foot. Moreover, as it is a movable bridge, the navigability of the estuary is guaranteed under the current conditions. In this regard, it should be noted that the navigable channel under the bridge will be 50 meters wide and the vast majority of ships navigating the estuary will pass with the bridge closed, since the design has a free under-deck gauge of 6.5 meters at high tide.