The program started in 2016 and now has more than 100 participants

OHLA presents a new edition of the Young Talent program, aimed at recent university graduates

January 25, 2024

OHLA is launching a new edition of its Young Talent program, an initiative that began in 2016 with the aim of offering a work and training itinerary to recent university graduates or those with less than two years of experience. In this new call, the company has offered 32 positions in construction, industrial and corporate projects in countries such as Sweden, Ireland and Spain; and in Latin America, in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile, where the company has major projects in the execution phase.

OHLA’s Young Talent Program, which lasts two years, combines specialized training with a practical approach aimed at assuming positions of responsibility in the management of medium-term projects under the mentoring of professionals with extensive experience and prestige within the company and the sector.

With the launch of this new edition, OHLA seeks to consolidate its pool of young talent and generate, in turn, employment opportunities that contribute to the development of the societies in which it operates.

Click here and download all the information about the Young Talent Program.