Other relevant information. Board of Directors’s changes
May 6, 2020
OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN, S.A. (“OHL” or the “Company”), pursuant to article 228 of the consolidated text of the Spanish Securities Market Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October, hereby notifies the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) (“CNMV”) the following
The Company informs that the Board of Directors, based on a favorable report from the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, has agreed to accept the resignation presented by Mr. Javier Goñi del Cacho as director of the Company.
The composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:
Juan Villar-Mir de Fuentes (propietary)
First Vice-President
Silvia Villar-Mir de Fuentes (propietary)
Second Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer
Jose Antonio Fernández Gallar (ejecutivo)
Carmen de Andrés Conde (independent)
César Cañedo-Argüelles Torrejón (independent)
Reyes Calderon Cuadrado (independent)
Manuel Garrido Ruano (propietary)
Juan Jose Nieto Bueso (independent)
Juan Antonio Santamera Sánchez (other external)
Madrid, May 6th 2020.