Cuídate OHLA


In 2019, the healthy program TAKE CARE (CUÍDATE OHL) was launched in collaboration with Quirón Prevención, is develop in Spain and it´s complemented with OHL Health Channel, a community for the dissemination of health initiatives and programs in the corporative intranet of the company. The expected benefits of implementing this health program are: improve the employee´s health, reduce work accidents and illnesses, improve work environment, commitment and motivation of the employees and reduce stress.

Two workshops took place in 2019: “Healthy Tupper” and “Mindfulness”, also during February 2020, the activity “The bodyguard” was carried out at OHL headquarters. As well as, all the information and prevention work done regarding the coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Also in 2019, 12 communications were published through OHL Health Channel regarding glaucoma, colds, seasonal flu, melanomas, sunbathing precautions, No Tobacco Day, Asthma Day and Sleep Day, among others.

In 2019, 78 employees participated on the workshops. In addition, 181 people have subscribed to the program and more than 700 web visits have been registered.