A-3 Highway. Section: Chiva-Valencia

walls and 9 structures for vehicle passage
pedestrian walkways

Expansion to a third lane of the A-3 highway in the Chiva-Valencia section, between kilometers 328+000 and 352+000. In addition to the construction of the third lane, the initiative contemplates the arrangement of links and accesses to the A-7 highway, the Manises airport and other collector roads; the improvement of the layout in plan and elevation of the highway between km 331+500 and 333+000; the construction of four walls and nine structures for vehicle passage, including two post-tensioned structures, one mixed structure, three girder deck structures, an underpass under the A-7 branch with pile screens and another frame structure; the construction of eight pedestrian walkways; as well as the enlargement of the existing drainage system and the signaling, defenses and replacement of affected services, due to the semi-urban nature of the project.

The project also contemplates the implementation of detours and traffic management while maintaining the maximum level of safety for users and highway service at all times.