La Princesa University Hospital

  • 8,500 MWh/year
  • 8,700 MWh/year
  • 3,500 hours/year design engineering
  • 2,500 hours/year energy and maintenance engineering

Semi-public supply and works contract for the efficient management of primary energy sources

The object of the contract is to achieve greater efficiency in energy consumption in the different hospitals covered. To do this, OHL Servicios-Ingesan, the awardee, will execute the project and manage the works to improve the minimum facilities foreseen in the terms of the tender, plus any additional proposals made in the technical bid.


  • Supply of useful energy. Management of thermal, cooling and electrical energy supply, control over quality, quantity and use.
  • Operation of the facilities. Management, control, adjusted operation, preventive, corrective and legal maintenance of the equipment and facilities located in the buildings covered by the contract
  • Warranty over equipment and facilities related to the facilities improvement works
  • Works to renovate and improve the facilities, aimed at helping optimize energy consumption

Basically, the works involve:

  • Replacement of the heat and steam generator in De la Princesa University Hospital
  • Partial replacement of cold water production for cooling in common areas and hospital rooms; redistribution of the system’s primary circuit
  • Replacement of the cold water production system for cooling in operating theaters and associated cooling system
  • Replacement of hospital room coolers, along with its associated system to regulate variable flow by areas, for temperature control
  • Replacement of emergency electricity generators
  • Facility regulation and control system

The model implemented with this contract will generate estimated savings of more than 30% for the Administration, over the real expense foreseen for the next 15 years.

Furthermore, the contract represents a milestone in environmental sustainability matters, as CO2 emissions will be reduced by 2,250 t/year. Thus, electricity and thermal consumption, in energy terms (KWh), will fall respectively by 32% and 17%.

Features of the contract:

  • Thermal energy produced: 8,500 MWh/year
  • Electricity under management: 8,700 MWh/year
  • Design engineering: 3,500 hours
  • Energy and maintenance engineering: 2,500 hours/year
  • Technical and maintenance and operation of the facilities: 50,000 hours/year
Todos los proyectos