National Forensic Mental Health Hospital

patient beds
of floor area
of concrete

The National Forensic Mental Health Service (NFMHS) Portrane is a new state-of-the-art facility located 22 km from Dublin City in Portrane, North County Dublin (Ireland).

The project, which commenced works on site in 2017, comprises the construction of a forensic mental health hospital, as part of St. Ita’s Hospital complex. It covers a floor area of 24,000 m2, not including the energy, maintenance and gardening buildings. The new hospital will accommodate 170 patient beds, distributed as follows: National Forensic Hospital: 120 beds; Mental Health Unit for Children and Adolescents: 10 beds; Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Unit: 10 beds; and the Intensive Care Rehabilitation Unit: 30 beds. The construction project also includes the execution of spaces related to energy production systems, maintenance and horticulture.

The NFMHS has been designed to provide differentiated high and medium security services, and includes a series of shared facilities. It will have 10 hospital buildings, a primary healthcare and therapy center, and an administrative complex. The hospital complex will be surrounded by a 2km long, 5.2 m high safety perimeter fence.

Benefits for the community

The building will be used to provide Mental Health care services to children and adolescents, care for the intellectually disabled, intensive care, primary care and rehabilitation therapy.