Phenol III plant

+ 350
jobs created
hours of engineering
tons/year of phenol

EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) project that includes the design, supply and construction of 21 storage tanks for various hydrocarbons

The plant has capacity of up to 250,000 tons/year and its design is based on basic engineering carried out by UOP (Universal Oil Petroleum), consisting of the following units:

  • Oxidation
  • Concentration
  • Decomposition
  • Hydrogenation II
  • Fractionating III
  • Ion exchange
  • AMS

Other units included in the plant:

  • 9 fractionation distillation columns: Carbon Steel (CS), Stainless Steel (SS), Duplex, Superduplex and Cladding, amongst others, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) code.
  • 45 heat exchangers (frame and tube, double tube and plates) TEMA R (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association) + ASME VIII Div.1.
  • 50 (horizontal and vertical) pressurized containers. Design code: ASME VIII Div. 1
  • API 661 (American Petroleum Institute) air coolers
  • API 610 pumps
  • Storage units (31,000 cubic meters) API 650: Intermediate storage of phenol, final product and propylene (sphere ASME VIII Div. 2)