Nearly 100 years delivering healthcare facility projects has allowed us to build a project portfolio consisting of over 150 new hospitals –amounting to more than 8.5 million m2 of construction and over 60,000 beds – and nearly 100 health centers and over 200 renovation and rehabilitation endeavors
The delivery of healthcare facilities originally started in Spain has expanded to other countries including USA, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, West Indies, Czech Republic, Portugal and Ireland. In every project the company applies construction methodologies aligned with the digitalization of construction process such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) and follows sustainability criteria recognized by prestigious international standards including LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) and Passivhaus.
In Spain, it is worth to mention new hospitals including the 135,584 m2 800-bed capacity Ciudad Real Hospital, and the 94,138 m2, 302-bed capacity Rey Juan Carlos I Hospital in Mostoles. Also the Cuenca Hospital with an estimated area of 189,218 m2 and a 519-bed capacity.
Similarly, utilizing Public Private Partnerships (PPP), we have delivered the 744-bed capacity, 264,403 m2 Burgos Universitary Hospital, the 52,583 m2 148-bed capacity Southeast Arganda Hospital in Madrid, and the new 246,964 m2 1,142-bed capacity University of Toledo Hospital. Also in Spain, the company is carrying out the renovation and expansion project of the Hospital de Manacor (Mallorca), which will have 53,445 m2.
A remarkable aspect of the company’s healthcare facilities construction practices is the deep expertise and proven capacity for the delivery of infrastructures capable of supporting state-of-the-art health technology and electromedicine, including facilities for hemodynamics, PET/TAC, radiotherapy, Da Vinci robotic surgery, and nuclear medicine; as well as the procurement and installation of equipment utilized for these advanced technologies.
Remarkable projects in the region include the National Forensic Mental Health Hospital, a 24,000 m2 170-bed capacity building located in Portrane, Ireland; and the construction of the General Internal Medicine and Geriatric Building for the Olomouc University Hospital, the sixth largest healthcare facility in the Czech Republic.
In USA, the company has delivered several healthcare facility projects including the 21,875 m2 229-bed capacity Healthy Living Institute and the 6,968 m2 120-bed capacity St. Catherine’s West Hospital, both located in the State of Florida. Currently the firm is responsible for the construction of the UHealth Medical Center, in the University of Miami Campus in Coral Gables in Florida, and several other projects in the region.
Other remarkable project is the
In Chile, the company built the Curico Hospital to replace the former facility destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. The new building boasts an area of 109,152 m2 and has a 400-bed capacity and incorporates a seismic isolation system consisting of 298 seismic isolators and 76 seismic sliders.
Other remarkable projects include the 86,350 m2 Queen’s Military Hospital located in Santiago de Chile with a seismic protection system consisting of 164 elastomeric isolators; and the Gustavo Fricke Hospital – in Viña del Mar, Valparaiso – consisting of a new building, replacing the original facility built in 1954, with 193 elastomeric isolators.
We have also been awarded the construction and maintenance of four hospitals in the Biobío region, which will benefit more than 400,000 people, and the National Cancer Institute in Santiago de Chile.
In Peru, the company’s portfolio includes important projects such as the Sullana Hospital, a 30,000 m2 hospital complex that will have 209 beds and will benefit more than 650,000 people; the Pósope Alto Health Center, with a surface area of 4,500 m2, which will serve a population of 62,000 inhabitants of the district of Patapo; and the Chulucanas Hospital, with 15,000 m2 of built area and 94 beds, which will benefit a population of 400,000 inhabitants.