Ingesan awarded by the La Caixa Foundation in recognition of its commitment to job placement for the disadvantaged

October 18, 2013

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The JV Limpisa Ingesan, a temporary business alliance specializing in building cleaning and maintenance, was among the recipients of La Caixa Foundation’s Incorpora Award in the category of Medium-Sized Company for its contribution to generating employment opportunities persons with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion.

The ceremony was held on 8 October in Burgos and included guests such as city mayor Javier Lacalle; José Manuel Bilbao, regional manager for La Caixa in Castilla y León and Asturias; and Carlos Teresa Heredia, the local government’s Director General of Social Economy and Self-Employment. The JV Limpisa Ingesan was represented at the awards ceremony by Jorge Peña, head of Services at Ingesan; Rafael Tuya Lara, director of Operations; and Mariano Sánchez and Felicísimo González, both heads of Services at Grupo Norte.

This fifth edition of the Incorpora Awards, now convening in Castilla y León for the first time, recognizes entrepreneurs who commit to providing employment opportunities to groups either at risk of or in a situation of social exclusion. The panel considered the JV Limpisa Ingesan for the award on the merits of not only this temporary business alliance’s employment policy, prominent in that the number of hirings of disadvantaged persons constitutes a significant percentage among the staff, but also the profile of such integrated employees and the average duration of these contracts.

The path of the Incorpora program in Castilla y León traces back to 2006 and the program has since harnessed the collaboration of 2,500 local companies to drive the creation of over 4,700 jobs for the disabled, long-term unemployed, young adults in vulnerable situations or victims of gender-based violence.