OHL México confirms that the identified transfers do not correspond to the Company

May 5, 2016

OHL México confirmed, in reference to the Relevant Event published by OHL in Spain, that the  two transfers identified by Obrascón Huarte Lain in the course of the investigation taking place in Spain, do not correspond  to the Company or OHL Concesiones México, former name of the Company, nor by any of its subsidiaries.

The findings have been consistently confirmed by the investigation ordered by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors of OHL México.

Likewise, the Company reiterates it has not been notified by any authority over any proceeding in relation to the contract Mostoles-Navalcarnero. If the event should take place, the company would be as always in the best disposition to collaborate.

OHL México is one of the most audited companies in recent years and has a firm commitment to transparency.

Click here to download the Relevant Event.