OHL participates in training workshops oriented to the labor market integration of people at risk of social exclusion

August 16, 2016

The OHL Group is collaborating in the training workshops organized by Integra Foundation, through of its Strengthening School, for the purpose of achieving the labor market integration of groups at risk or in a situation of social exclusion. The aim of this training is to capacitate candidates by providing them with tools for undertaking the search for employment on a strong footing. Through these workshops, OHL contributes to providing candidates with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will facilitate their access to and permanence in a job.  

OHL has been working for nearly 15 years in favor of the employability of marginal groups or at a risk of social exclusion; this commitment has resulted in the formalization of nearly 600 employment contracts, basically through its subsidiary OHL Servicios-Ingesan, specialized in facilities management.

The main beneficiaries are victims of gender violence; people with disabilities; female victims of prostitution; former convicts; drug addicts; persons in the 45-60 age range; and gypsies, amongst others.