OHL Servicios wins the Alliances award for its work in favor of the labor insertion of disadvantaged groups

November 6, 2018

The commitment of OHL Servicios, through its subsidiary OHL Servicios-Ingesan, in favor of the labor insertion of vulnerable groups has been recognized with the Alliances for Employment award. The award is included in the III edition of the Prizes for Labor Inclusion that, for three editions, Red Cross granted to public and private organizations committed to the most disadvantaged people in the region of Murcia.

The awards ceremony took place on November 6 in the capital of Murcia and brought together representatives of the various award-winning entities. On behalf of OHL Servicios-Ingesan, Manuel Blanco, Territorial Delegate Levante and Murcia, was in charge of collecting the Alliances for Employment Award in the category of Labor Advice and Hiring of Vulnerable Collectives, for valuing employability through counseling in labor hiring and bonuses, thus facilitating the process and management of hiring vulnerable groups.

Socio-labor insertion is one of OHL’s priority lines of action. This commitment takes form in the implementation of various corporate awareness and volunteering actions and in the promotion of direct employment in collaboration with various entities. This includes, in addition to the Red Cross, Adecco Foundation, Integra Foundation, Randstad Foundation and Down Madrid. Thanks to this work in common, OHL has hired more than 600 people in situation or at risk of social exclusion for more than 15 years.

18.11.06 OHL Servicios Logra El Premio Alianzas 

Picture during the event.