More than 40 years being leaders in the supply of EPC equipment and projects, custom engineering, and operation and maintenance applied to the mining, cement, fertilizers and energy sectors.
With facilities and equipment in more than 50 countries, we have undertaken:
After the acquisition, in 2010, of STHIM Maquinaria, ATMOS Española and LARON, today Industrial, continues with the supply of this equipment under the name Industrial Mining & Cement, adding to the manufacturing experience, its engineering department and the quality standards of the company, which provide the opportunity to offer a complete and personalized solution to each client.
We have developed EPC projects in 40 countries on 5 continents, among which the following stand out:
To these initiatives are added, in Mexico, the limestone crushing, transporting and stacking plant for Cementos Cruz Azul in Hidalgo and the 4.5 km long belt conveyor for Holcim, in Hermosillo. In Chile, the comprehensive copper oxide crushing, acid curing and stacking service for Codelco at Ministro Hales.
We address the integral life cycle of the project, from its development phase to O&M, with internal engineering, purchasing and logistics capabilities, and the latest technologies (drone inspection, advanced monitoring and use of Big Data and preventive maintenance and predictive …).