Since 1945, starting with the construction of the Albiña dam in Navarra (Spain), we have become one of the benchmark companies in regards to experience and technical capability, and is able to undertake any waterworks development including construction of large dams, river flow-control, energy production, water supply and sanitation, water distribution for human and agricultural consumption, flood control and channeling of rivers.
Flagship projects include the construction of the Búrdalo dam in Cáceres (Spain), the Bellús dam (Valencia), the Riaño dam (León), the Val dam (Zaragoza), the Segre river channeling (Lleida) and the remodeling of the Guadalquivir River in Córdoba. We have also executed the Lagares WWTP (Vigo), the outfall tunnel and the collectors associated with the future Sinova WWTP (Soria), as well as the pipeline renovation works for the supply network of Canal de Isabel II (Madrid), all of them located in Spain.
Waterworks experience is complemented with the MED 609, consisting of the installation of a main water supply network, the replacement of the Newhope-Placentia sewerage system and the Morena Conveyance North (San Diego) project, which includes the installation of wastewater pipelines, all of them in the USA.
Other notable projects include the construction of the Chacrillas irrigation dam in Chile; the El Quimbo hydroelectric project and the expansion of the Cúcuta aqueduct, built to supply drinking water to nearly one million inhabitants, both located in Colombia; the design and construction of river defenses on the Cañete, Huaura, Casma, Huarmey, Chicama, Virú and Lacramarca rivers in Peru, which focus on reducing the impact of meteorological events in the country and will benefit more than 360,000 people; and the recovery of the Labe river navigable channel command center in Ustid nad Laben, Czech Republic.