The OHL Group participates in the Unlocking the potential of the Mediterranean region forum

April 20, 2015

The OHL Group has participated in the first edition of the Unlocking the potential of the Mediterranean region forum, held between 16-17 April in Rome and arranged by EY (Ernst & Young). The event, aimed at identifying existing opportunities for growth and investment in the Mediterranean region and the search for area synergies, was attended by famous personalities, to include José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission between 2004 and 2014; Alberto Alesina, economist and Professor at the University of Harvard; and María Elena Boschi, Italian Minister of Constitutional Reforms and Parliamentary Relations, who was in charge of inaugurating the forum. 

Manuel Villén, director of Innovation and Sustainability of OHL Group, took part in the infrastructures panel entitled The future of local services, urban development and smart, sustainable cities, which focused on the “smart city” concept as a form of sustainability-based urban development. 

During his speech, Manuel Villén highlighted the importance of integrating smart structures amongst citizens, the local administration, universities and public services, amongst others. He also referred to various R&D&I initiatives developed by OHL in this field: the free-flow multi-lane toll system, the FOTsis and Smartsit projects and the P4ITS initiative.

The aim of FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) is to develop intelligent and cooperative transportation systems amongst infrastructures and vehicles, in order to reduce accident rates and improve the management of mobility in road infrastructures. Smartsit focuses on traffic characterization and improved mobility through the use of magneto-resistive sensors for Intelligent Transportation Systems, and also serves as an example of how new technologies are used to improve traffic management. In turn, P4ITS (Public procurement of innovation for Cooperative ITS) consists of a theme-based network financed by the European Commission under the Competitiveness and Innovation program, the main objective of which is to lay down the grounds for innovating public purchase of intelligent and cooperative transportation systems. 

Finally, the director of Innovation and Sustainability of OHL Group, during his presentation, referred to OHL Group’s new 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, which reinforces OHL’s traditional commitment both to R&D&I investment and Corporate Social Responsibility.

15 05 25 Strategic Growth Forum  Manuel Villen

Manuel Villén, third on the right, participated in the panel entitled The future of local
services, urban development and smart, sustainable cities