OHL Servicios wins the Alliances award for its work in favor of the labor insertion of disadvantaged groups
Socio-labor insertion is one of OHL’s priority lines of action. This commitment takes form in the implementation of various…
Socio-labor insertion is one of OHL’s priority lines of action. This commitment takes form in the implementation of various…
OHL obtains a new project in Peru, the construction of a bypass at the Quellaveco Mine, in the region of Moquegua. The project, awarded by…
It highlights the company’s effort to implement a socially responsible management and continued improvement in its culture and business model…
Entre las actuaciones recogidas en dicho proyecto destaca el soterramiento de la Autopista Sur en un tramo de 426 m, el incremento de cuatro a siete del número de carriles existentes, la construcción de…
OHL Servicios has been awarded in Chile various contracts for an approximate amount of 25 million euros. It is composed of four projects…
The price of the Transaction is 2.122,7 million Mexican Pesos (approximately 96,9 million Euros) to be paid at closing, subject to the calculation of certain adjustments, upwards or downwards, included in the contract and once certain conditions precedent…
The division, through its affiliate OHL Servicios-Ingesan, executes the TEAAC program (Pet Assisted Therapies) with the support of…
The Adjusted EBITDA figure was placed at -57.5 million euros, due to the slower pace of activity in Construction, the adverse performance of the EPCs (Engineering, Procurement…
TOHL, through its subsidiaries Community Asphalt and Arellano, have been awarded two contracts totaling 43 million euros ($53 million)…
The ambassador of Spain in Chile, Carlos Robles Fraga, and the economic and comercial attaché, Iñigo Febrel, have visited the construction work of the Américo Vespucio Oriente Highway (AVO I) that OHL is carrying out in Santiago de Chile,…